jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

Chilean Education and the Rol of Future Teachers

Chilean education is divided between Preschool (for children up to 5 years old), Primary school or Enseñanza Básica (for children from 6 to 13 years old) divided in 8 grades, High school or Enseñanza Media (for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old), divided in 4 grades and Technical and Higher education or University.
According to the chilean constitution, Primary school and High school are mandatory for all Chileans. The Chilean state provides a free public system of primary and high school education for those who cannot pay a private education. But I think that in Chile exist an injustice in terms of quality of education because public education is not so good, comparing with private education due to the Constitution dating from Pinochet's era, because since 1980 Chile's public education system is supervised by the Ministry of Education but controlled by the municipality of each commune and as a result of this change municipalities of poor areas deliver poor education to their students, with a low standard of quality and a high number of students per teacher (45 in average), however communes with more resources manage a less number of students (since parents in those communes can pay private schools), and children of richer areas receive a better education and I think that this is one of the greatest injustices in our country.
On the other hand, society is changing constantly and the needs of people nowadays are not the same from ten or twenty years ago, due to that and with the return of the democracy in 1990 was created the educational reform that included more equipments and resources, more time for learning, better and deeper improvement programes, better and more teaching processes, curriculum reform and frameworks and support inside the class room, but I think that the chilean education system is concentrated in the traditional style of education given, which is old fashioned and defective because still it has a great emphasis in the memorization of contents.
I hope that the authorities of our country do something in terms of education and the last student protests in Chile can help for that.
On the other hand, teachers nowadays must have the capability for to be competitive, they have to study always because have to renew their knowledge constantly in order to be productive and valued for any job.
I think that this capacity, requires embodied key competencies such as flexibility and innovation or creativity.
Teachers have to be disposed and capable of continuous learning because it is a requisite for survival in the environmental of teachers.
But I think that there is something very important too that is the vocation because a teacher who does not have vocation is not a good teacher.
Finally if all of us like teachers do a good work and reinforce our knowledges constantly we will create a quality education for all the Chileans.

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